Sunday, June 22, 2008


We all know that a Skate Club in MMU is highly demanded by students, but we still can't form the club.

The "reason" from the sports department is "not everyone can skate".

So for the last few months, we are trying to increase our members and their skills to prove that with training, everyone can skate.

Now we have 8 members WITH their own skates, and increasing. And when it reaches 15, we will resubmit the proposal. yahoo~

Current members are:
1. V
2. Hao
3. Su
4. Ben
5. Kok
6. Xuan Hao
7. CK
8. Eddy

and few more coming in, soon.

Anyone interested to join us? Please leave us a comment.


Lim Oon Hon said...

I very interesting in Skate...
but i dunnoe how to join?? and where is it?

VHanded Cheepeng said...

chrislim: We will be skating every Monday night 9pm at FIT, and you're welcome to join us.

If without own skates, you're welcome to try out the feeling of skates by using our skates before decide to buy your own, yup. contact me 0124071088 (V).

Have a nice day!

Anonymous said...

skate rocks! ~~