Wednesday, July 1, 2009

AIC Malaysia

the event that will be having:
  1. professional speed skating
  2. recreational speed skating
  3. Inline Funstart classes for families and children
  4. Freestyle Slalom performance
  5. Inline Hockey Demo & Try Outs
  6. Skate vs Bike 100m Sprint Duel
  7. many more....
if u guys want to join the recreational race, there will be registration fee...
here is the link for more details

Anyone who interested please contact Ben, chatter_ben[at]hotmail[dot]com or V, v.handed[at]gmail[dot]com

Requested by Skateline, we will have volunteers help out during the event. Here are the name list:

  1. Ben
  2. V
  3. Sue Ern
  4. Kok Full
  5. Christine
  6. Khai Wen
  7. Sara
  8. Wong Kok
  9. SW
  10. you?

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