Tuesday, July 7, 2009

being invaded <- Inti Nilai skaters

last monday 3 skaters from Inti Nilai came to invade us MMU skaters...All the way from Inti Nilai, they drove to MMU and spend a splendid skating night with us.
As our guest of honor, ben and V took them skating around MMU before they left,
5 go...
and 5 survive back....
(thank lord)

sadly one of them have to go bck early for MEETING, or else they could have stayed longer for supper or something...

To Skaters of Inti Nilai,
We, Skaters of MMU Cyberjaya campus will invade ur campus 1 day with a few load of cars
From Skaters of MMU cyberjaya.

maybe in d future we can make a marathon from MMU to Inti Nilai vice versa
Lastly, nice to have you guys to come to our campus, thanks for ur support and everything...

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