Tuesday, August 4, 2009

AIC Malaysia -> was a sucess

8 members from our skate club volunteered to work for AIC on the 1st August:
  1. Ben
  2. V
  3. SW
  4. Sara
  5. Kok Full
  6. Wong Kok
  7. Christine
  8. XH

it was a great day for all of us, other than speed skating competition, there were also other event such as Slalom demo by micro skate singapore:

not forgetting some Sliding demo:

Aggressive demo:

Hockey demo by Team Underdogs:

last and not least INLINE SKATE VS BICYCLE~!

guess who won??
sadly it was d bicycle who wins FOR NOW!!!

To be continue.....

for those who have more pictures please send them to Ben, chatter_ben[at]hotmail[dot]com or V, v.handed[at]gmail[dot]com
so that we can share with the world><

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